Please review our Disclaimer and Terms of Use before submitting events to our calendar and visit our Help for assistance in submitting your event.

Event Information
Event Date

Visit our Help page for information on how to enter an event that occurs for multiple days, or multiple times through the year.

Recurrence Pattern


Range of Recurrence

Event Location
Event Contact Person

Contact information is not publicly displayed on the Red Deer Community Events Calendar site. This information is collected for our moderators to contact you if there is an issue with your event.

The City of Red Deer is collecting personal information for the purpose of contacting the submitter of the event. The personal information on this form is collected under the authority of the Municipal Government Act Section 3 and is protected under the provisions of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIP) Act. If you have any questions about the collection, use and protection of this information, please contact the Director of Communications & Strategic Planning, 4914 – 48 Avenue, Red Deer, Alberta or phone 403-342-8147.

Event Links
Event Attachments

Attach additional files for your event. This may include additional images, separate from the event image; as well as brochures, registration forms, printable maps, event layout or guides, etc.